Coworking and flexible office spaces are inherently positioned to support environmental sustainability due to their sharing-oriented model.  As we approach Earth Day on April 22nd, we’re proud to celebrate our commitment to sustainability by becoming SUPER Certified! (Single Use Plastic Elimination or Reduction).  SUPER® is a non-profit organization that provides 3rd party certifications to organizations that greatly reduce or eliminate the single-use plastics in their workplaces, thereby cutting down on basic wastefulness.

Since 2021, our Pacific Workplaces (PAC) and NextSpace locations have worked hard to make changes within their coworking communities such as:

  • Using eco-friendly office and cleaning supplies like refillable dry erase markers and hand soap that comes in an aluminum dispensers that are refillable
  • Utilizing only washable silverware and eating utensils – even for parties and events!
  • Reducing the environmental impact of coffee by replacing individual plastic creamers with cartons of milk and removing single serve or “K-cup” coffee
  • Locally sourced organic coffee delivered in returnable and reusable bins
  • Encouraging the use of coffee mugs and personal refillable water bottles
  • Reusable coffee filters
  • Replacing vending machines containing food items wrapped in plastic with a snack bar where food can be stored in glass containers and scoopers and paper bags can be used for members to create their own “snack mix.”
  • Partnering with local restaurants/catering businesses to ensure any items delivered come in paper bags instead of plastic clamshells

NextSpace Santa Cruz International Coworking Day 2021 Supporting Local Businesses

Coworking and Sustainability Pacific Workplaces Sacramento Watt Snack Bar

Kicking the plastic habit has not been easy.  Single-use plastics are ubiquitous and, it often feels like they make our lives more convenient.  Plastic wrapped solutions are often less expensive and easier to acquire. It’s also been very eye opening to realize that recycling isn’t really a solution.  Virgin plastic is actually cheaper to create than to recycle existing plastic products in most cases, and at best, plastic can only be recycled a few times before it is too degraded to be effective.  On average, ONLY 9% OF SINGLE-USE PLASTICS ACTUALLY GET RECYCLED, and 91% are moved to landfills, eventually finding their way into our natural environments or get incinerated.

The true cost of plastic pollution to our planet and all of its inhabitants is only beginning to be addressed. What we know already is that our short-term needs often create long-term and catastrophically expensive problems which is why we continually strive to combat the plastics pollution problem by purchasing alternatives to replace the ‘use once and toss’ products.

Reducing single-use plastics in flexible office spaces

Pacific Workplaces wants to be part of the solution. This month, we would like to honor our Santa CruzBerkeley, RenoRoseville, Downtown Sacramento, Sacramento Watt, Greenhaven, San Francisco Pacific Heights, and Las Vegas locations for implementing specific changes within their coworking communities that will make a positive impact on the earth and our members.  We hope to raise the bar within the flex office industry on how to conduct business in the 21st century that both benefits society and the environment. Our motto, We Care extends beyond our office walls. We at Pac want to demonstrate that we care for our environment by helping our communities lead more sustainable and healthier lives.

Contact us to learn more about how to be part of a workspace community with a sustainable ethos.

For more information on how to reduce single-use plastic in your workplace, visit