Virtual Office Expert, Kim Seipel Consults With A New Entrepreneur
On October 29, 2009 Pacific Business Centers (PBC) was invited to participate in the Stimulus@Work: Training Resource Fair held in Redwood City, CA. This event was sponsored by the County of San Mateo Workforce Investment Board and was an opportunity for PBC to connect with laid off workers who are considering a startup business venture or private consulting practice.
It was a very encouring event to those of us from PBC that attended – to see the entrpreneurial spirit in so many skilled professionals was thrilling. From our experience, we can feel the groundswell of entreprenurialism rising to combat our current economic challenges … but to spend the day with so many people putting the entrepreneurial spirit into action was a true pleasure.
We were also encouraged to be able to speak with so many new entrepreneurs and connect around our programs designed to help new start-ups, particularly our Jumpstart Program. The Jumpstart program includes everything a start-up company needs to present a professional and successful image:
- A business address in a prestigious Class A Building
- Furnished Executive Offices available on-demand
- Unified Messaging & personalized phone answering
- Presentation equipped conference rooms
- On-demand administrative and business services
- Access to over 600 touchdown locations worldwide
Many of the Resource Fair Attendees may be eligible to receive government funding as part of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) to participate in PBC’s Jump-Start program. For eligibility requirements and more information contact PeninsulaWorks at 650-367-0190 or www.peninsulaworks.org.
Keith Warner
Managing Partner, Silicon Valley & Marketing
Keith has over 15 years experience as President and co-owner of American Executive Center prior to joining PBC (rebranded as Pacific Workplaces), and is a highly regarded figure in the OBC industry. He holds a B.S. in Finance from Santa Clara University.