Lonely or Unproductive? Try a Shared Office Space

For too many home-based entrepreneurs, being in business for themselves also means spending too much time by themselves. While they may enjoy the challenges and rewards that come with running their company, the lack of contact with other people is a definite disadvantage. Coworking will take you to a brick-and-mortar location and give you [...]

5 Tax Steps to Take Before the 2013 Tax Time

No one knows exactly what will happen to taxes on January 1, but if you are in business, you can probably bet that rates are not likely to be going down. President Obama and Congress are involved in negotiations to avoid the fiscal cliff, which would result in higher taxes if a deal is [...]

Sublease Offices vs. Shared Office Space

Subleased office space has become an attractive option for many companies over the past year. Markets have seen a 122% (!) surge in subleases according to figures released by Cushman & Wakefield. As businesses cut overhead costs, subleased office space looks more and more attractive … but it is not [...]

2020-07-21T16:59:56-07:002009|Office Space|

4 Common Mistakes In Startup Office Space

Moving into office space is a coming-of-age moment for any startup. However, decisions made regarding your first office space can become an asset or can become a weight that dooms what would be an otherwise successful venture. As a shared office space provider working with start ups, there are four common mistakes that we caution [...]

2020-11-04T16:25:24-08:002009|Office Space|

Shared Office Space – Questions To Ask

Considering businesses can reduce their rent cost by 40% and also take a month to month lease term as opposed to the standard 3-5 month term with traditional real estate, more and more businesses are considering shared office space. For both small and large business, shared office space is a [...]

2020-07-21T17:03:17-07:002009|Office Space|

Location, Location, Location!

In its June 10, 1956 issue, The Van Nuys (Calif.) News said the three most important things about real estate were location, location, location. Since then this phrase has become the mantra of every Real Estate Professional east and west of the Mississippi! I would certainly agree with this notion [...]

2022-06-21T14:47:51-07:002009|Office Space|