Press Release | For Immediate Release
Pacific Workplaces, a leading provider of Workplace-as-a-Service ™ in California and Nevada, was honored, for the third time as one of the best employers, and received the Sacramento Business Journals Best Places to Work award. Repeating this honor for a third time makes us so proud. It shows that we make this a core part of our business identity.
From the private survey responses used to determine the honorees, the Business Journal compiled a list of how companies create Best Places. Here is what they found; and we don’t disagree with their findings:
- Best Places have a solid company culture, with a clear mission that employees can relate to and rally around
- They provide significant opportunities for career development, including training and paths to promotion
- Best Places to Work recognize contribution, monetarily and otherwise, for good work
- They provide flexibility and support to create a work-life balance
- Best Places to Work have good wage and benefits packages
- They provide opportunities to do fun stuff as a group
- They provide freebies from snacks in the break room, to catered lunches and chair massages
Most of us spend a lot of time ‘on the job’ and Pacific is especially proud that we make our best effort to encourage individual development and career growth through flexible scheduling and open corporate communication and transparency.
An added bonus to this honor is that Pacific’s main business goal is to be the best workplace services company, bar none. Through our client community events, including those freebies in the business lounge, the flexible workspace options, and creating communities where, hopefully, many people are smiling, we can now re-affirm that Pacific IS the Best Place for our team, our friends, and our clients to work.
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