Lonely or Unproductive? Try a Shared Office Space

For too many home-based entrepreneurs, being in business for themselves also means spending too much time by themselves. While they may enjoy the challenges and rewards that come with running their company, the lack of contact with other people is a definite disadvantage. Coworking will take you to a brick-and-mortar location and give you [...]

Retooling Your Business for Re-launch

You started your business with the highest of hopes. You expected the best. You followed through with your plans – but your results have been a little less than impressive. It’s time to take stock and decide how your business can re-launch to increase your profits and your level of success. Re-launching your business [...]


The Home Business Stigma

Even though there are 38 million home-based businesses, according to the U.S. Census, there is still a pervasive stigma against those who work from home. The perception is that home-based business owners are running a hobby business, are unprofessional, or are some type of scam. The truth is that the vast majority of home [...]

2020-11-02T15:29:58-08:002011|Virtual Offices|

Make Better Decisions

A recent study in Psychological Science sheds light on an interesting way to make better decisions. According to research conducted by the University of Twente in the Netherlands, people make better decisions when they have to “go.” Researchers had study participants drink five cups of water and then answer a series of questions forty minutes [...]


Four Low Cost, High Impact Marketing Ideas

Marketing materials emphasize your brand and pre-sell your prospects. If you have a limited budget for your marketing, or just want to get the biggest bang for your marketing buck, there are four pieces of marketing collateral that you should focus on. These choices are low-cost and high-impact. They’ll create [...]
