Get Onto Google Free With Google Maps

Small Business Marketing Tip: Google Maps 80% of searches for products and services take place on a search engine. For many small businesses and local businesses, the expense of pay per click advertising and the competition of search rankings can be a barrier to entry. However, through Google Maps, small and local businesses can appear [...]

2021-02-08T14:51:44-08:002009|Office Tech|

4 Common Mistakes In Startup Office Space

Moving into office space is a coming-of-age moment for any startup. However, decisions made regarding your first office space can become an asset or can become a weight that dooms what would be an otherwise successful venture. As a shared office space provider working with start ups, there are four common mistakes that we caution [...]

2020-11-04T16:25:24-08:002009|Office Space|

Where Core Values Meet Shareholder Value

Values Based Initiatives Inc. is an unusual company I came across in a recent trip to upstate New York. In this trip I met with local leaders who share a vision of building a physical, technological, and educational infrastructure designed to accommodate The Future of Work in the Adirondacks Mountains [...]
