Business Blog Review:

There is a secret new blog addiction amongst some of us at Pacific Business Centers … If you are looking for a high-minded academic or stuffy resource … this is not the blog for you. BUT, this style is actually one of the best things about their site. [...]


Where Core Values Meet Shareholder Value

Values Based Initiatives Inc. is an unusual company I came across in a recent trip to upstate New York. In this trip I met with local leaders who share a vision of building a physical, technological, and educational infrastructure designed to accommodate The Future of Work in the Adirondacks Mountains [...]


Virtual Office Provider Must-Haves

There are many advantages to virtual office space, but finding a suitable provider can be a cumbersome and confusing process. The best starting point is to do determine what city or location makes sense for your business, then do an internet search; For example, “Virtual office in San Francisco, California, and make appointments to [...]

2022-06-21T14:53:58-07:002009|Virtual Offices|

Location, Location, Location!

In its June 10, 1956 issue, The Van Nuys (Calif.) News said the three most important things about real estate were location, location, location. Since then this phrase has become the mantra of every Real Estate Professional east and west of the Mississippi! I would certainly agree with this notion [...]

2022-06-21T14:47:51-07:002009|Office Space|

Linked In For Consulting – 6 Tips

Many out there are using Linked In to search for a new job. While Linked In is a key part of the job search strategy, if you aren’t using it to get some work now while you search for that dream job – then you are missing an opportunity. Maybe you want to find [...]

2020-07-21T17:09:44-07:002009|Job Seekers|