Make Better Decisions

A recent study in Psychological Science sheds light on an interesting way to make better decisions. According to research conducted by the University of Twente in the Netherlands, people make better decisions when they have to “go.” Researchers had study participants drink five cups of water and then answer a series of questions forty minutes [...]


Are You Developing With Technology?

As fast as Technology seems to change and advance, year by year that pace quickens even more. Just consider that in the last 10 years, ‘new’ technologies like e-mail and instant messenger have become old hat and now social and business networking sites such as twitter, facebook, and LinkedIn are [...]

2021-02-05T14:46:50-08:002009|Office Tech|

Get Onto Google Free With Google Maps

Small Business Marketing Tip: Google Maps 80% of searches for products and services take place on a search engine. For many small businesses and local businesses, the expense of pay per click advertising and the competition of search rankings can be a barrier to entry. However, through Google Maps, small and local businesses can appear [...]

2021-02-08T14:51:44-08:002009|Office Tech|

4 Common Mistakes In Startup Office Space

Moving into office space is a coming-of-age moment for any startup. However, decisions made regarding your first office space can become an asset or can become a weight that dooms what would be an otherwise successful venture. As a shared office space provider working with start ups, there are four common mistakes that we caution [...]

2020-11-04T16:25:24-08:002009|Office Space|

Where Core Values Meet Shareholder Value

Values Based Initiatives Inc. is an unusual company I came across in a recent trip to upstate New York. In this trip I met with local leaders who share a vision of building a physical, technological, and educational infrastructure designed to accommodate The Future of Work in the Adirondacks Mountains [...]
