Make Better Decisions

A recent study in Psychological Science sheds light on an interesting way to make better decisions. According to research conducted by the University of Twente in the Netherlands, people make better decisions when they have to “go.” Researchers had study participants drink five cups of water and then answer a series of questions forty minutes [...]


Small Business B2B Marketing

Many marketing tools and sales techniques exist to help business sell to the public. But the general public buys differently than business, so you must use different strategies to be successful. There are several keys to connecting with B2B prospects combining Internet technology and basic marketing principles: Help your customers [...]


5 Startup Tips From The Trenches

Startups are the fuel that powers the global economy with over half a million new businesses created each year. However, 50% of these startups fail within the first 4 years – a harsh statistic that weighs on any entrepreneur. What can you do as an entrepreneur to keep your startup [...]


Virtual Offices: Compete In A Cloud Based World

The current economy presents an opportunity for new startups, as well as large corporate entities, to transition to mobile and ‘virtual’ workforces … both out of necessity and a new understanding of the future business landscape. (Read: mobile, flexible, technology based) The trend to cloud-based business operations is undeniable. Unfortunately, the discussion [...]

2021-02-08T16:58:17-08:002009|Virtual Offices|

4 Common Mistakes In Startup Office Space

Moving into office space is a coming-of-age moment for any startup. However, decisions made regarding your first office space can become an asset or can become a weight that dooms what would be an otherwise successful venture. As a shared office space provider working with start ups, there are four common mistakes that we caution [...]

2020-11-04T16:25:24-08:002009|Office Space|

Business Blog Review:

There is a secret new blog addiction amongst some of us at Pacific Business Centers … If you are looking for a high-minded academic or stuffy resource … this is not the blog for you. BUT, this style is actually one of the best things about their site. [...]
